Wednesday, January 27, 2010

who am I to judge people? saya seorang kartun..haha

kamu tahukah antara komen yang jujur dan komen yang menyakitkan hati, tirainya adalah senipis kulit bawang?

-eh, pakaian u ni macam 40an lah! hahaha. saya cakap direct sebab tak ada orang berani cakap dekat u! -

ouh..bagi seorang aku, to comments someone's appearance is a very sensitive issue. Unless he/she wears low cut jeans until my eyes cannot tahan already. Then it is different story. (is it? who am I for being busy body looking at it?) At the end of the story, it really depends on how you comments despite how sincere your intention are.

Your appearance is your personality. As long as you happy, although you are not fashionable, although your hair tak pacak2 macam duri & as long as your cloth is clean, in good condition (no koyak2), you can ignore any other comments although at the end of the comments, they said no hard feelings ok.

I give no comments when people ask somethings not because I am playing safe or I am super nice, do not want to hurt people's feeling. It is because I am not the one who is expert on it to judge you. :)


  1. yup, one berhak nk judge org...lainlah kalo org tu suruh tok jd dier punyer fashion la ko bole nk komen2 psl pakaian n penampilan dier...otherwise, bwat x tau suda~bkn effect pon kn?huhu....

  2. kena right timing dgn right intonation! hihu
